Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teen Star Meltdowns

Today's Annoyance: "It" kids with no concept of responsibility
Mantra of the Day: I am channeling my inner "It" kid.

Today, I am trying to get in touch with my inner "it" kid. In some circles (yes, I am trying to be modest here), I am considered to be quite the "it" girl. Well, "'it' woman" is more like it, since I haven't seen my teens or early twenties in quite some time. My guilty pleasure for getting away from the high pressure world of finance is picking up a tabloid on my way home from work. The covers of these things always depict the latest meltdown of some gorgeous young thing with money coming out of his or her ears. Really? I so don't get it. I don't think I have ever awakened in the morning saying "Wow, my life is going about as good as it's ever going to get so why don't I get in my car, crash it, then go drinking until I pass out in the street".

Last year this time, it was Britney Spears; this year, it's Lindsay Lohan (again) and as always, Paris Hilton seems to be in the mix. Paris' former partner-in-crime, Nicole Richie appears to have taken herself out of the equation to live a more grown-up lifestyle. That would be a natural progression if it was all left up to me; chill out and realize that life's pretty good after all.

Putting all of this into words has made me see that people collectively - myself included - do not make that natural progression as often as we should. As long as I have a roof over my head and food on my plate, there is no need for me to complain about the rest of my life, however imperfect it may be.

Ahh, f*ck it! Complaining is much more fun!!

[IMAGE: Courtesy of Getty Images]

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