Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Flying footwear

Today's Annoyance: Crazy forms of offense
Mantra of the Day: I love my shoes far too much!

I've been reading a few too many stories lately about people (mostly men, I should say) hurling their shoes at politicians. I get that it's supposed to be an insult; really, I get it. But YOU'RE THROWING YOUR SHOES!

Unsurprisingly, few of these shoe throwers are women. Admittedly, I donate some of my shoes to shelters when they're totally outdated and/or slightly worn but to simply throw them at a human being to express my distaste for them? Nah, ain't gonna happen. Why not hurl some snarky words? Or, here's a thought...throw someone else's shoes. How about those ugly shoes that hit the runway each season and turn into never-ending trends...find a cheap knockoff pair and throw those. Even better, throw a pair of Crocs. But for the love of heaven, just don't throw your good shoes! There has got to be another way to insult someone. Maybe we should just go back to burning people in effigy. Any other ideas?

[IMAGE: Courtesy of FARS News Agency]

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