Thursday, April 23, 2009

Too much information!

Today's Annoyance: Oversharing
Mantra of the Day: Unless I ask, please don't tell me.

Is it just me or do people share way too much information these days? From what I can recall, there used to be a mostly unwritten rule that you should never discuss politics, religion, or finances in public. Times have changed, which I understand. It's bad enough being forced to overhear obnoxiously loud cell phone conversations. Now, technology is further encouraging people to share every facet of their lives with social networking applications like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, blogs (like this one!), and photo sharing sites like Flickr and PhotoBucket. As a culture, we have become increasingly accustomed to share every photo, every emotion, changes in financial conditions, relationship status, whatever we eat, drink or think about.

Here's my question: Where's the line? Obviously, it is vastly different for each person but for the love of all that is holy, do I really need to hear about the inner workings of other people's sex lives, bodily functions and financial statements?

Here are my new rules: If I don't ask, you don't tell. If you're on a cell phone, lower your voice! Nine times out of ten, you're too loud. And, you might not want to discuss your husband's vasectomy in public. Sound good? Thanks for your consideration.

[IMAGE: Courtesy of the Society for Handheld Hushing]

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