Monday, March 23, 2009

Not So Distant Strangers

Today's Annoyance: Not knowing the people I see everyday
Mantra of the Day:
I love eye candy!

So this morning after my daily run, I stopped into a Starbucks near my house, when not two minutes later, in walked a beautiful not-so-distant stranger. I call him “the Moroccan” because I know absolutely nothing about him but he seems like he might be from that part of the world (and he looks like the mega-hot Moroccan pop star Ahmed Soultan!). Instantly
I wished that I was one of those women who always wears makeup when she works out, but that has never been my style.

Anyway, I see this guy everywhere I go - the gym, on the way to work, when I'm out shopping - he is just a part of the city landscape for me. He's not the only person I see on a regular basis and have a nickname for, but he's pretty easy on the eyes so I tend to remember him more. I always wonder if people who I see all the time have a nickname for me for me too or know my routine better than I know it myself. Do they notice me in the same way? Are you known to someone as “the girl with the Louis bag who rides the train at 7:46 a.m.”? Why don't we ever introduce ourselves to these people? It’s probably because they are more interesting to us when we make them into fictional characters in our heads.

Well, that's all I've got for you today. Ciao xox

[IMAGE: Courtesy of]

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