Monday, March 16, 2009

Media madness

Today's Annoyance: People who are famous for no good reason
Mantra of the Day: Money can definitely buy you undeserved attention.

Every daughter of a billionaire or celebrity seems to need a publicist nowadays. You’ve seen them…those people who are famous simply for being uber-rich and are often recognizable just by their last names. Celebutantes like Hilton, Kardashian, Richie and Gastineau. They’re often paid to show up in nightclubs and at posh events around town. They have entourages, clothing lines, and sometimes famous boyfriends. Fashion magazines dedicate full spreads and occasionally cover pages to them. They get to have their own reality TV shows. Sadly, this isn’t just an American pastime.

My question for you today is this: Do people read and watch stories about celebutantes because the media has nothing better to offer or does the media offer this type of “news” because people really, truly care what celebutantes are doing? Either way, I’m annoyed. Can someone make it stop, please?

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