Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Missing Muffin

Today’s Annoyance: The Credit Crunch

Mantra of the Day: It’ll all get better in time. - Leona Lewis

This morning, I went through my daily routine to Wall Street on my way to the office. Grabbed a Financial Times from my local newsstand, took the short cut through the park then, stopped off to buy my favorite breakfast muffin and the best cup of coffee in town. When I got to the muffin shop, I was shocked to find the door locked and a sign on the door saying, “We have closed due to the credit crisis.” Can you believe it! I was so thrown off that I did not know what to do. I felt like a lost child who did not know where to go next. I knew that there was another place about a block away where I could get breakfast, and there is the guy on the corner with the cart, but there is something about that guy that just seems unsavory.

I am so sick of this credit crunch I don’t even know what to say. Yes, like every good New Yorker, I have done my part. I finally took my shoes out of the oven and turned it on to make dinner the other day. (When I bought the place, my real estate agent advertised the appliance as “extra storage space.”) This though is too much. My muffin was the singular daily indulgence in an otherwise busy stress-filled day. Is that too much to ask? Even with my cutting back, I still made sure to support my local merchants because I know that there is no bailout package for them. Well, I’ve got to run. I’m still hungry and starting to get a headache.

[IMAGE: Courtesy of Getty Images]

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