Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh, to wake up as royalty

Today's Annoyance: Realizing that I'm not actually a royal, yet
Mantra of the Day: I think I can. No, I know I can!

There's an interesting article in the Washington Post about a Ghanaian secretary living in Maryland who recently became a king in her home country. Peggielene Bartels was awakened by a phone call several months ago letting her know that she had been named king of the town of Otuam. Now, she's a secretary by day and a king by night (and on vacations from her secretarial job). That's pretty amazing!

I'm not quite sure that I'd want the responsibility of being king but I can definitely handle being an entrepreneur by day and a jet-setting diva whenever I can squeeze in a trip or 2.

Here's to being regal, whether we have a title or not!

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