Friday, September 11, 2009

Lover of travel, proud to be American

Today's Annoyance: People who forget why their country is great
Mantra of the Day: I am proud to represent the best of the U.S.

I read an Inc. Magazine article about great American inventors and it made me think about the many good things that we Americans still have to be grateful for. Considering the massive bashing that we've taken for the past 8 years, the reports of our certain demise amid a changing world order, and in honor of the 8th anniversary of 9/11, it's nice to think of some cool things about the U.S.

The article also made me think about how travel has helped me to appreciate my country. For some reason, a lot of people think that when you live abroad, you either hate your home country or you eventually learn to hate it. While some do, that's not my thing. I love the U.S. Don't get me wrong; I don't believe for a second that it's a perfect country but it is great.

How could a nation be so bad that contributes the inventors of rolling luggage (my personal fave on the list), the world wide web, the sports bra, the computer chip, and bubble wrap?

[IMAGE: Courtesy of eHow]

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