Wednesday, September 16, 2009

5 Things I Totally Despise

Today's Annoyance: Empty promises
Mantra of the Day: I am learning to be more patient (slowly but surely).

1. People who wait in lines and don't prepare. Seriously, how many times do you have to wait in line at the market, in a store, or at a toll booth before you figure out that you'll need to give the cashier some form of payment? Be ready and move it along.

2. Snooty people. I could care less about your birthright, how much money you have, where you live, or who your friends are. It doesn't give you the right to be mean or disrespectful.

3. Disorder. Even if it's considered "organized chaos", it still frosts my cookies to spend time in spaces with massive piles of clothes, paperwork or other hoarded stuff in someone's home or office. Cover it or get a bulldozer.

4. Most packaging for electronic equipment. Have you ever chipped a nail or broken a pair of scissors trying to open the packaging for a flash key or a Bluetooth headset? I've purchased fine jewelry that required less difficult packaging. Who thought of this? I'm certain that there is a special reason for this type of criminal packaging but, stop it already. By the time I get to the product, I don't want it anymore.

5. People who complain but don't try to help themselves. The energy spent complaining could be used to solve the problem. Need I say more?

Tell me what really ticks you off.

[IMAGE: Courtesy of Getty Images]
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