Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm taking a French exam

Today's Annoyance: Not being a polyglot yet
Mantra of the Day: I will be fluent in French very soon.

Wish me luck, please! I have an upcoming French exam at Alliance Francaise. Although I've spent many, many months living in the south of France, I'm not quite fluent yet. Since the south of France is filled with British expats and many locals who speak fairly good English, it has made it far too easy for me to take my time learning the language.

To create more pressure on myself to achieve fluency, I have opted to pursue French language diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of National Education. I'm due to take test #3 of 6. Cross your fingers, burn candles and pray to whatever god(s) you believe in.

Merci beaucoup!

[IMAGE: Courtesy of Getty Images]
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