Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What is going on with men's fashions?

Today's Annoyance: Designers taking the metrosexual thing a wee bit too far
Mantra of the Day: I will not date a man with better accessories than mine.

Having spent a substantial amount of time in Europe for the past few years, I have grown to accept the "man bag". American sports figures have helped me to accept lots of men wearing large earrings in both ears. Tattoos can be kinda sexy, depending on what and where they are. However, the latest lineup of men's fashions to hit the runway has given me pause:

I get that fashion is art but do forgive my ignorance because I didn't get the memo that we were in the middle of a unisex fashion phase. As usual, I'm the last to know. (sigh) So much for being an "in-the-know" diva. lol

[IMAGES: Courtesy of Refinery29, Luxury Launches, E-mancipate]
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