Thursday, August 6, 2009

Function vs. form

Today's Annoyance: Pandemonium
Mantra of the Day: I always take good care of myself and expect the best.

I once witnessed a woman explore the Acropolis in 3-inch-high strappy sandals. And no, they were not wedges. They were oh-my-god-she-could-have-worn-those-to-a-club-last-night heels. For those of you who have not visited this amazing point of interest in Athens, there's tons of steep, slippery, crumbling marble everywhere.

Somehow this daring woman managed to climb up hills and over stones, wander around, and peruse the area without falling. Not even once. No lie. The jet-setter-in-training part of me thought: "Wow, that takes talent. Here I am, having trouble simply putting one foot in front of the other in flat sandals and this woman is doing the seemingly impossible." The other part of me thought: "She's nuts."

Why on Earth would someone do this? Maybe it was on a dare. Maybe, she was still drunk from the prior evening's events. Or, just maybe, she did it because she was trying to prove to herself and everyone around that she could. She reminds me of those women who wear high heels to amusement parks, meanwhile their guy friend is wearing tennis shoes.

Am I the only one who thinks that sometimes function should win over form?

[IMAGES: Courtesy of Getty Images]

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