Friday, August 14, 2009

Greetings galore

Today's Annoyance: Inappropriate gestures
Mantra of the Day: Smiles are the best greetings of all.

Handshakes, hugs, fist bumps, the infamous Japanese bow, and France's le bisou (an air kiss on each cheek). There are so many ways for us to greet each other. So that I'm not disrespectful to other cultures, I always check a few protocol sources before arriving in a new country. It doesn't help to make a bad first impression by waving frantically when I should bow, or trying to fist bump somebody when touching may be deemed inappropriate.

To date, my biggest faux pas has been leaning in the wrong direction to start le bisou. In some parts of France, you start on the right while in others, you start on the left. On one occasion, I nearly kissed someone on the lips; needless to say, I've learned not to be presumptuous and now I just follow the other person's lead.

I also ask friends and I check the book Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands before I travel to a new place. So far, smiles and le bisou are my fave greetings, especially when I meet a hot guy. (wink, wink) On the other hand, it kinda sucks when the guy is not so hot but, what's a girl to do.

What's your fave cultural greetings?

[IMAGE: Courtesy of trendliest]
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