Mantra of the Day: There is nothing like fresh beginnings.
Another year has passed and the Easter Bunny is visiting us again. I absolutely love this time of year because it gives me every excuse to be a kid again without catching smack from my friends. Stocking the house with Reese's peanut butter cups, Cadbury eggs, and jellybeans is just the beginning. I go to my favorite florist and have stylish mini-Easter baskets made for my closest friends. Then, I take my ten-year-old niece Eliana on an egg hunt, which we follow up with high tea at the Four Seasons.
In reality, I think that the best part of the holiday is that it represents a new beginning. It is around this time of year that New Year's resolutions start to wear off. Maybe the year is not going as stellar as you planned, but you can mentally start over and take control of your current situation. I like to make Easter promises which usually consist of me resolving to treat myself better from here on out because it has a positive effect on all of those around me. This year, I have decided to carve out three hours of "Me" time each week to help maintain my sanity because life tends to move a little faster than I can handle.
Let me know what your Easter promises are - I can always use some fresh ideas!
[IMAGE: Courtesy of]