Today's Annoyance: Passive people
Mantra of the Day: When you care enough to say what you really think.
I'm a big fan of expressing myself, which I'm sure you've clearly figured out by now. I love to communicate via email, text, and even handwritten notes (an increasingly forgotten option). Suffice it to say that I have stacks of stationery from Papyrus. Since the advent of e-cards years ago, I love to send the occasional greeting for birthdays, holidays and sometimes just to say "Hey!". (Hoops and Yoyo, Maxine and Screaming Banshee are personal faves.)
Nowadays, it's cool because you can find greeting cards in just about any language for nearly any situation. Recently, I found two awesome sites that have cards for some of our least pleasant sentiments. (Awesome!) Nastee Notes carries a line of great cards "for the lil devil inside us". There are cards for when you want to call someone a gold digger, an idiot, a dim bulb, a whore, or a "biatch". They even have cards to say "Kiss my a**" and "Be nice. Stupid." (sigh) Such wonderful sentiments.
Then there's Someecards. It's like Hallmark for the smart ass or thoroughly pissed off. They've got an ecard for just about every occasion possible (and then some!), including holidays, weddings, confessions, breakups, goodbyes, and cries for help. Some of my faves are: "Your footwear is disgraceful."; Haven't heard back so I assume you're busy, flaky or dead."; and "If you ever disappeared while hiking, I'd remain with the search party until it started raining."
Don't they just make you want to send notes to everyone? lol
[IMAGE: Courtesy of]
Friday, April 17, 2009
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