Friday, April 24, 2009

Great Brazil Express

Today's Annoyance: I don't have Samantha Brown's job
Mantra of the Day: Amazon, here I come!

Brazil's first luxury train on a 300-mile journey through the country's eco-heartland. From the sound of it, this definitely passes my preliminary fabulous test. The 7-day journey begins in Curitiba and travels through Morretes, Antonina, Tibagi, Castro, Ponta Grossa, Guarapuava and Iguazu. Along the way, you get to see the Atlantic Rainforest, Vila Velha National Park, Guartelรก Canyon and Iguazu Falls. The trip also involves venturing into some of Brazil's smaller cities by luxury bus and a few overnight stays in local hotels.

If that's not something to aspire to, I don't know what is. Check it out at Great Brazil Express. The website is not super attractive but the journey looks like it might be very cool for a bunch of friends. (It might also work well as a romantic adventure with a significant other. Hmmm...)

Has anyone taken this trip yet? If so, let me know what you think. In the meantime, I'll start saving up for it.

[IMAGE: Courtesy of]

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