Mantra of the Day: I don’t see age, I just see fashion.
At what age should someone hang up their dancing shoes? I used to think that at some point, I would just grow out of wanting to go out on the town for a night of getting down until my feet couldn’t take it anymore. Then there is the point that, for appearances sake, the only proper thing to do is to willingly retire your happy feet when you reach a certain age, because old people shaking their groove thang just isn’t cute anymore.
I confess that I might not be 19 anymore but I still like to get out there and show what I’ve got from time to time, but there is a way to do it. For starters, if you are in your mid to late thirties, please do not wear your 13-year-old niece’s party outfit. Also, please do not re-enact your behavior from college spring break in Mexico; trust me, it wasn’t cute then, and it’s really not cute now.
Once I was out with my girlfriends huddled around a small table in a nightclub when we saw a tragic fashion victim saunter out of the bathroom. She was wearing a short black mini skirt and red tube top combo that was about thirty pounds over its weight limit. Just as we caught our breath about the situation, a much younger girl dressed in an identical ensemble came bouncing out of the restroom, running after her mother. Do you see what I mean by, ‘so not cute’? There is certainly a way to go about having a good time with dignity and class. I just ask that you not be that woman!