Mantra of the Day: Trust your inner bitch.
Fierce, Fabulous & Finance: Huh? These three words may not go together in most contexts, but they describe to a tee our contributing columnist Ava Pierce. She is already a big deal in Europe and it is about time that this name gets dropped more often Stateside so you can learn more about the woman behind the headlines. To introduce readers to Ava’s unique perspective, her best friend, publicist and reformed club kid, Simon Royston, will put her on the hot seat in a way that few would not dare.
Simon Royston ("SR")
So, my darhling Ava, you have lived a more than a lifetime over the course of the past year: a prince, blow ups, money, the Riviera, the paparazzi… Please explain to our readers what has happened.
Ava Pierce ("AP")
Well, sweetie, it is nice to see you, too. I see you waste no time with pleasantries and dive right into the dirt. That is usually how I like to operate too so I can’t hate. So it all started about a year ago when my wildly successful hedge fund blew up and lost more money than I can count. That same day, my husband decided to refer to our marriage as a ‘situation’ that he no longer wanted to be a part of. In response, I moved to the French Riviera (great reaction, right?) in an attempt to get my life back on track but that is when the real drama ensued.
SR: You did go to university while you were out there, no? Or was that just a figment of my imagination. You know us queens sometimes get our jetsetters confused.
AP: Yes, I did decide to go to graduate school not only to learn something but to get the fuck out of New York without seeming like a lunatic. Even a woman in her thirties is allowed to have a fit of irresponsibility, don’t ya think?
SR: Next question: So who is this prince charming of yours? Is he really a prince charming? Or just a toad?
AP: Honestly, I have not decided on my final verdict yet. In the meantime, let’s just say that he is somewhere between the two: more like a princely toad.
SR: What will you being doing next? Is your life still a chaotic mess? And do you plan to stay in the Riviera?
AP: As for my life, it is still chaotic, but less of a mess. I think that I have managed to get myself back on my feet again, moving forward. As for the French Riviera, I think I’ve fallen in love but, as always, I reserve the right to change my mind.
SR: Now that we know the facts, let’s try to get to know the girl. Name five of your favorite things.
AP: Money, men, shopping, being spontaneous, café au laits, and getting my way.
SR: That is six things darling. I thought you were in finance and could count.
AP: You should know better than anyone that you always get more than you bargain for with me…
SR: Touché. What was the singular turning point in your life that transformed you from a boring number cruncher to fiercely fabulously?
AP: Meeting my husband Tom in a café in Paris. He taught me to let loose and not to worry about what other people think and to be more spontaneous. Well, there was also that time that I met you. Life surely has not been boring since then.
SR: If you were to marry your princely toad, what would be your first act as a fierce princess?
AP: To ban Crocs from my kingdom. I don’t understand what people are thinking when they choose to put those things on their feet.
SR: What is your life philosophy?
AP: Keep running, don’t let up, and never let them see you sweat.
SR: Last question, what can people expect from your blog?
AP: I will be bringing the readers on my adventures around the world, introducing them to interesting people that will shed new light on old perspectives. It will be fun; part storytelling, part mental escape, part rant session where I will sound off to the readers, and they can throw their opinions right back at me. Sound good?
SR: Sounds fabulous.