Thursday, November 5, 2009

The ultimate travel experience...outer space

Today's Annoyance: That we can travel to space yet not solve Earth's traffic problems
Mantra of the Day: In this unbelievable universe in which we live there are no absolutes. - Pearl Buck

Beginning in 2012, you'll be able to hitch your wagon to a star...or, at least, you'll be closer to do it than you are now. That's when Galactic Suite will begin accepting reservations for its space resort. For you jet setters who are bored of traversing our tiny little planet, now there's space tourism.

You'll spend two weeks on a tropical island for the astronaut training program, then you'll be hurled into outer space, traveling at 28,000 kilometers per hour. Just think, you'll orbit the Earth 15 times a day so, you'll get to see the sun rise every 45 minutes! (I'm wondering what kind of serious jet lag results from this endeavor.)

Sounds scary and super-cool at the same time!

[IMAGE: Courtesy of bornrich]
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